domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

About love....

love, what is love, i don't really know it yet, i thought it was forever, but now i learn which only it is a feeling that happens and ends... i hope i'll find someone in my life, who really cares about me, who loves me a lot, love isn't having sex, it's more than that, it's sharing all even yourself... i haven't now words for explaining the concept about love that i've had but i promise you, i'll think about it and let you know better later, do you think love is something that beggins in our minds, or do you thing it's something about feelings?, maybe is it a drug?, because when you fall in love you give everything you can give, but later you are so tired about it, and maybe you'll find another drug for satisfying your instict..

1 comentario:

  1. gabrielito gabrielito, pensar que eres tu el niño que iba a mi casa con flores arrancadas del jardin del conjunto pa hacerme enojar...
    el que podia verme con pillama y sin peinarme y me decia que estaba hermosa,"creo que para esteban y para ti yo siempre estaba hermosa jajaja"...
    pensar que te cerre la puerta en la cara tantas veces, que tire las rosas que me diste, que te ignore y que me enoje contigo minimo 3 veces por dia jajaja!!!

    sea como sea fuiste lo mas importante de mi pasado, eres como la historia que siempre he de contar o algo asi jeje!!!

    att: Fer "tu paquita gallego" jaja
    love u!!!

    te adoro, te quiero full t quiero lo mejor para ti porque te lo mereces...

